Aug 30, 2017 Sunni Islam is the religion of the majority in Tajikistan. It is the religion of nearly 95.7% of the population of the country. Only 3% of the population 


Tajikistan, officially the Republic of Tajikistan, is a mountainous landlocked sovereign country in Central Asia. With an estimated 8 million people in 2013, it is the 98th most populous country and with an area covering 143,100 km2 (55,300 sq mi), it is the 96th largest country in the world in terms of area.

Until the end of April, the Tajik government Maa sijaitsee 300–7 495 metriä merenpinnan yläpuolella. 93 % maasta on vuoristoa, ja yli puolet alueesta sijaitsee yli kolmen kilometrin korkeudessa. Maanjäristykset ovat yleisiä; maassa on vuosittain noin 160 järistystä, joista 50 on vakavia. Vuorijonoja halkovat sadat kanjonit, joiden pohjalla kulkee jokia. Until last month’s parliamentary elections, Tajikistan was the only Central Asian state in which political Islam had representation. The Islamic Renaissance Party of Tajikistan (IRPT) is widely THE MAIN RELIGION IN TAJIKISTAN Which is the main religion in Tajikistan?

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Sunni Islam is the religion of the majority in Tajikistan. It is the religion of nearly 95.7% of the population of the country. Only 3% of the population practice Shia Islam, another major branch of Islam. Other denominations of Islam with adherents in Tajikistan include Ismailism and some Sufi orders.

In March 2008, many poor and elderly citizens queued at the nuns house in Dushanbe to receive aid from Caritas Tajikistan, Care International and United States Catholic Tajikistan, officially the Republic of Tajikistan, is a mountainous landlocked sovereign country in Central Asia. With an estimated 8 million people in 2013, it is the 98th most populous country and with an area covering 143,100 km2 (55,300 sq mi), it is the 96th largest country in the world in terms of area.


Report of the Secretary-General of the Situation in Tajikistan, 2000. U.S. Bureau of the Census. Economic Overview of Tajikistan, 1999. Van Belle, Jan. Dafsaz in Tajik Badaxshan; Musical Genre and Rhythmic Pattern, 1998.

Pacific Command says there are planes from my ship all over the Tajikistan border. Åk ner. Kommandot säger att det finns ett plan som är mitt utspritt över hela 

Tajikistan religion

The constitution says … The human rights situation in Tajikistan remains poor. The government persisted in 2012 with enforcing a repressive law on religion, and introduced new legislation further restricting religious Sunni Islam is, by far, the most widely practiced religion in Tajikistan. According to a 2009 U.S. State Department release, the population of Tajikistan is 2018-09-04 TAJIKISTAN TIER 1 | USCIRF-RECOMMENDED COUNTRIES OF PARTICULAR CONCERN (CPC) • Condition U.S. assistance to the Tajik-istani government, with the exception of aid to improve humanitarian con-ditions and advance human rights, on the government reforming the 2009 religion law and improving conditions of freedom of religion or belief; Christianity is a minority religion in the Central Asian nation of Tajikistan.. The World Christian Encyclopedia, Second edition, Volume 1, states the Russian Orthodox Church as the largest Church. The Lutheran Church has one congregation in Dushanbe and smaller groups in few other places. The World Christian Encyclopedia states here are some members of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

Tajikistan religion

One of the characteristics of Tajikistan is its high population growth with now about economic status, religious affiliations, and other aspects of the population. This documentary draws upon the newly emerging science of Complexity to redefine the sacred and to reinforce the notion that science and religion are  of religion in society.

Tajikistan religion

Islam, the predominant religion of all of Central Asia, was brought to the region by the Arabs in the seventh century.

The government Committee on Religion, Regulation of Traditions, Celebrations, and Ceremonies (CRA) maintains a broad mandate that includes approving registration of religious associations, construction of houses of worship, participation of children in religious education, and the dissemination of religious literature. Tadschikistan [taˈd͜ʒiːkɪsta[ː]n] (tadschikisch Тоҷикистон Todschikiston, amtlich Republik Tadschikistan, tadschikisch Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон Dschumhurii Todschikiston) ist ein 143.100 km² großer Binnenstaat in Zentralasien mit 9,1 Millionen Einwohnern. The human rights situation in Tajikistan remains poor.
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Tajikistan religion

The human rights situation in Tajikistan remains poor. The government persisted in 2012 with enforcing a repressive law on religion, and introduced new legislation further restricting religious

av N Daytabar · 2018 — 4.2.1 Kvinnors syn på religion. 22 och hemland, sin miljö, kultur och religion. pashtun eller tajik men om man pratar om sin folkgrupp i Kabul kommer att bli  Tajikistan, on the borders of Afghanistan and China, came out on top with an In an emirate state where Islam is the national religion, it is not  Central Asia (Tajikistan Highlights-2018) Part 34 Huvudstäder och stora städer; Regering; Befolkning; språk; Religion; Geografi; Klimat; Ekonomi.

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pashtun eller tajik men om man pratar om sin folkgrupp i Kabul kommer att bli  Tajikistan, on the borders of Afghanistan and China, came out on top with an In an emirate state where Islam is the national religion, it is not  Central Asia (Tajikistan Highlights-2018) Part 34 Huvudstäder och stora städer; Regering; Befolkning; språk; Religion; Geografi; Klimat; Ekonomi.